Prokeep Post

Why VOIP is So Last Decade

Written by Brooks Young | Jul 3, 2024 7:34:58 PM

Prokeep: The Antidote to Your Wholesale Communication Chaos

Wholesale distributor friends, let's cut to the chase. You're juggling more communication channels than a circus performer with flaming torches. Email, e-commerce, texts flying everywhere like rogue ping pong balls... it's enough to make a grown man weep into his morning coffee.

In the world of wholesale distribution, clear and quick communication is crucial. Over time, distributors and their customers have adopted newer and more convenient methods for doing business - Email, E-Commerce, and increasingly Texting. Unfortunately, these new methods have led many distributors down a path that Forbes describes as “IT sprawl—the complex, disorganized and decentralized IT environment resulting from the accumulation of tools, applications and technologies—doesn't happen because someone made bad decisions. It's the natural result of how we work: installing quick-fix solutions to urgent problems without considering the long-term effects.” 

Organization and centralization of this information is especially challenging for distributors when they have customers texting into employee personal phones, work phones, or even a VOIP system.  Personal cell phones scatter messages and calls across many devices and numbers.  Far too often, these texts to employees become a chore to hand off to the branches for outside sales or they require someone to drop everything and reply - creating inefficiencies and singular points of failure.

It's messy, it's disorganized, and it's costing you time, money, and probably a few sanity points.

Enter Prokeep, the ultimate centralized communication platform that's here to rescue you from the depths of communication despair.

With Prokeep, distributors can provide the same preferred business texting channels to customers with three important differences: Centralization, Searchability, and Shareability. Prokeep brings everything into one place, making it easy for team members to find and share information and eliminating the need for your customer to guess which Employee is most readily available.  This helps counter sales reps save time since they have one spot to check for all customer interactions, making their work smoother and faster.


See how Ideal Supply overcame messy communication with Prokeep's centralized messaging



Why Prokeep Makes Using VOIP and Personal Phones Look Like Dinosaurs

Remember those old "before and after" weight loss commercials? That's Prokeep compared to your current setup. Here's the breakdown:

  • (Centralization) Centralized Nirvana: Prokeep brings all your communication channels (text, email, web chat, even fax – we don't judge) into one glorious, organized hub. No more digging through a million different inboxes or trying to remember which sales rep got that one text last Tuesday.
  • (Searchability) Find It Like a Bloodhound: Forget scrolling endlessly through old messages. Prokeep's search function is so powerful, it could probably find Waldo in a nanosecond. Need to track down a past order or conversation? Boom, found it.
  • (Shareability) Sharing is Caring (and Efficient): Remember that game of telephone you played as a kid? Yeah, that's what forwarding emails and repeating messages feels like. Prokeep lets you share conversations with your team seamlessly, keeping everyone in the loop and eliminating those frustrating "he said, she said" moments.
  • No More Guessing Games for Your Customers: With Prokeep, your customers know exactly where to reach you. No more texting random employee cell phones or hoping someone picks up the VOIP line. It's like giving them a direct line to your communication command center.

Heard enough? Click here to update your distributor communications

Real-World Benefits of Centralized Communication

Okay, so we've established that Prokeep is the communication equivalent of a telecom Swiss Army knife. But how does this translate into tangible benefits for your wholesale distribution business?


Empower and Enable Your Sales Reps: Imagine your sales team having all their customer interactions in one place, easily accessible and searchable. They'll be closing deals faster than you can say "cha-ching."


Happier Customers (Which Means More Money): When your customers can reach you effortlessly and get the answers they need quickly, they'll be singing your praises to everyone they know. That's the kind of word-of-mouth marketing you can't buy.


Less Time Wasted, More Money Made: Prokeep eliminates the time-sucking inefficiencies of your current setup. Your team can focus on what they do best – selling – instead of playing hide-and-seek with messages.



Ready to Ditch the Chaos and Embrace Communication Clarity?

We know change can be scary. But trust us, making the switch to Prokeep is about as painless as it gets. And the payoff? Well, let's just say it's the kind of thing that'll have you wondering why you didn't do it sooner.

So, are you ready to join the ranks of wholesale distributors who have transformed their communication from chaotic to streamlined? If so, give Prokeep a whirl. We're pretty confident you won't regret it.

P.S. Still clinging to your VOIP system like a life raft? That's okay, we won't judge... too much. But just remember, even dinosaurs had their time in the sun. It might be time to evolve.